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Our Services

Are you sure everyone knows your position on how to work with regulations, company values or hard and soft skills? Take back control of your business culture and decentralise responsibilities without loosing your decisiveness. We help you from hiring to managing change.

Typical ethics consulting can reduce failure risk for AI projects by 28%. With our services you'll  comprehensively and flexibly decentralise and sustain this kind of understanding throughout your organisation.

ThetaDriven is a revolutionary set of alignment tools for AI regulation and business culture building that addresses current stress points with gamification, immersive multimedia, AI and seamless reporting.

Our user experience is at a whole new level.

Augment or replace your surveys, change management consultants, corporate trainers

and  the "hold on to that retreat afterglow feeling". 

ThetaDriven points the way to a whole new level of hybrid work.

Business Culture Amplification

Transcend the soul killing limitations of surveys with ThetaResponse. Rich media. Gamfied fun. We take engagement to a whole new level. Experience a whole new way to engage, foster change and build greatness in your teams. 

When everyone gets on the same page you'll love your team, love your work, love how it gets done and love what you do.

Cross Species Communication


Transcend words. Signaling takes the tedium out of engagement. Express yourself with our video-emoji library! Made to facilitate richer dialogue this is one way we help you and your 1on1 get to the point quicker - and make engagement fun to boot. 

Beyond words this mode of signaling improves accuracy because they mean the same to the sender and receiver - much like emojis.

Customised Content

ThetaCall provides bespoke mentoring by engaging one of our culture reporters to identify your leaders strengths and scale them out to your organisation in a rich media format.

Immersive Psychographic Hiring

Resumes are dinosaurs! revolutionises the interview process. Find common ground faster and identify synergies with ease.

Make recruitment predictive and efficient with a seamless multimedia experience. Evaluate and screen your prospects on what matters most and get to the heart of how they tick faster. You'll love how ThetaHire spotlights the most aligned candidates and highlights ares where they may complement the team as well. Easily identify cognitive diversity, values and culture fit.

Beyond Engagement

ThetaDriven provides the missing link to scale your aspirational change initiatives both in time and hybrid work space. Grow and change your organisation with a whole new approach to realtime leadership in distributed hybrid workspace environments. We work as a complement and delivery mechanism for proven approaches.

Insights & Perspectives

Turn scary data into trustworthy theta.

Neomergent reporting provides an elevated perspective by tracking usage patterns in augmented human AI (HumanAise) driven products to generating more predictive and easily absorbed psychographics. ​


Neomergent safeguards the relationships between customers, users and bots. Neomergent maximizes the profitable use of sensitive information in a way that feels trustworthy.

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